A cute kid with his cute actions, making the entire sequence very lively.. giving a short message at the end....is that all what Marutis add. all about. For answering this question..we need to do a bit of product analysis on this TV add.
Before even entering into a serious analysis of this add...let us first understand ..what exactly an add. is meant for...
As per me, an add. emphasizes on some of the feature/s of the product. Most of the advertising professionals will agree that u always needs to focus on a particular theme, which is associated with the particular feature of the product ..one wants to sell.
Actually adds. sell the concept..rather than the product itself !!
So any good add need to have two major things in it
The Focus theme
The capability to sell that theme to the audience
Any time a consumer buy a product..he/she actually buy the features of the product. Physically the product doesnt carry any value as such. Any product is actually a bunch of number of features. some direct or the major ones and some indirect or the minor ones.
So when u r purchasing a vehicle or lets say a car (to be specific)...u buy following features..
. Comfort of traveling (depending upon entire studies in ergonomics being done on vehicles)
. Aesthetics of the vehicle
. Fuel Economy
. One time cost (cost of the vehicle)
. Recurring cost (maintenance cost)
. Service network
. Associated image
and many more.....
Out of all these features, one could either emphasize on all or on some or on one in a promo material.
If u try an put a lots of features to ur promotional material or lets say an advertisement the theme changes from Being Focus to Being Locus..and locus can not has a SHARP IMPACT as that of focus..
So it means that when we r hammering customers mind..to make an impact the blows have to be concentrated or focused..
So now u should select the best sellable feature of all to focus upon
Focus :-</>
Lets us correlate all this stuff about an advertisement to this add..This add have a clear focus on the feature Fuel Economy
Why such a focus ?
Maruti has been a car of middle class man in India..a economic version in branded small cars with all goody goody things in it..but the fact remains ..the key word for this brand has been ..ECONOMY..so which other feature can be as important for this Brand Except Fuel Economy????
Story/ Script
Entire story starts witha cute child with his cute activities and an element of suspense..what the hell is this kid doing..and then comes the theme sequence
Papa ki karan..petrol khatam hi nahi honda..Fuel Economy..Too good an impact