Hello Eveybody!
My father bought M-800 in 95 after replacing Fiat-Premiere Padmini and I am still enjoying M-800s ride.Pls read my review on Tata Indigo and then youll realize that I prefer riding this rather than the new car.
Whenever I had to travel even distances more than 200 Kms, only this car was a support.
The only problem is its low seat height as compared to Hyaundai santro but since this is the more trusted one for indian roads, I recommend this.
But there are also certain tips like since now it is Euro-2 version i.e. MPFI, pls avoid running it on LPG or else you might have to face problems.
See GAs is just a dry source which affects the MPFI system which was earlier running on petrol( a liquid), so there is too much wear and tear on DRY agent.
Moreover if you wanna go for an AC car better buy AC M-800 from the dealer instaed of thinlking to get itr assembled from the market.There will always be synchronisation problem if u get AC fitted from Market.
Buy a good music CD system and enjoy the ride.
One more point, Maruti is not built for running at 100Kms/hour. It isa city car so enjoy in city and rides not exceeding 100+ Kms/hour.Its a family car and meant for Night Ice-creams freak-outs with family.
Dont think of using radial tyres in it.The best are the ones specified by the company and always keep the papers and the bills till your warranty is over. It helps to claim if frequent problems exists with the same parts.
Buy it and enjoy..........................................................