I have a M800 (2004) purchased new in Chennai.
First thing I did was to do away JUNK poor quality components!!!
- Air filter (replaced with K&N)
2.Spark plugs (Iridium)
- Engine il (synthetic)
4 Silencer (Open)
- Petrol (Speed 97)
I am getting more than 14.5 mileage (CITY+AC) roaring pick up too!!
I did Chennai - Bangalore (350Kms) in 3 hrs 20 mints!!
Engine is great but the other components are worst than Delhi parts!!!
Some Fuel saving Tricks:
This is the biggy - the single aspect that has the greatest affect on the overall fuel consumption of a car.
A good driver will generate excellent fuel consumption figures by reading the traffic flow - not being constantly on and off the power. If you are in a stream of traffic approaching a red traffic light, you should never have to move your foot straight from the accelerator to the brake - if you do, it shows that youre not reading the traffic very well. Instead, there should be enough time for you to roll in gear before starting to brake. If you leave an adequate gap to the car in front, this will help you to be smooth and consistent in throttle applications. Unless you particularly want the front row of the grid, when moving from red light to red light theres probably not a lot of point in redlining it - not when youre going to be stopped again in a few moments anyway.
Making sure that the car doesnt lug - or scream its head off - means that you should change gears at the right time. In normal driving in most cars, that means changing up a gear somewhere near peak torque (ok, ok, that advice doesnt apply to an Integra Type R). Pulling high revs while engine braking doesnt use any fuel, so theres no drama in doing that.
When driving along at a constant speed - whether thats 60 km/h or 150 km/h - on a flat, straight road, your accelerator foot should be almost still. Just as there are people who constantly saw at the wheel when driving in a straight line, there are others who are always on and off the power. This is just lousy driving! If you have a car with cruise control, you should be able to compare your driving with the cruise system - in all but those cars equipped with the very best systems, your driving should be smoother and less jerky than the cruise control can achieve.
If you fang it all of the time, expect to pay heavily at the petrol pump. But if you drive conservatively and well most of the time - and then drive hard only when you want to take on someone at the lights or put away that section of twisty road - you will be able to achieve very good consumption. Oh yes - one last point. When the engine is cold, dont warm it up by waiting around idling. Instead drive off as soon as the engine has been started, but drive gently until it reaches operating temp.
Have a great Ride
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