Maruti is the car u have ever dreamt off in the late 90s and even now per my experiance Maruti 800 is on of the greatest car developed by Maruti udyog and the highest selling car coz of its engine capabilities and speed....i remeber those dayz when I first sat in to it and Vrrrommm !!!!! it went I was amazed by its pickup performance and the cosumption of fuel ...however u cannot get everything in a single car...
So according to the shape and look Maruti 800 was a bit not much more effective.....anywayz I love Maritu 800 n I hope india too love it .......its the dream car for anybody lookin for speed and performance.I have the car since 10 yrs and beleive me its awesome.what else I can write people already know much about it.
I have put Alloy Wheels. woofers. and amp. and neon lights.
Have put a spolier on the rear end and have self coloured bumbers to match, and I tell you she is a beauty. it looks sporty and at the same time difference then the other 800. I can proudle say that I have made heads turn.. so if you want to change the look of your car. YOU CAN. and 800 is still the BEST!