When this car was launched from the starting date to todays date if you ask someone do you know maruti 800.
The answer you will get is surely yes.I can bet on that.The reason for it is this car is best in class and best in maintenance.The same reason my father bought this car.
This is our first car that we bought.Talking about the points which I really like are like the cost, maintenance, milage etc etc.I think we bought this car for around 2.5lac and I would say the money which we have spend on it is totally worth it.
Although it is very old design but still I like its design because it is still very famous and in other words it is rough and tough model of car which I have ever seen.
I have a little bit AC problem but thats not the car issue.We never had a big problem with car.
The main point I would like to share is this car is nearly maintenance free as in it need very less maintenance, so the maintenance cost is nearly negligible or you wouldnt notice it.
Initially the milage was also very good but as the time is passed the engine is getting older and older so we cant expect from it to work like brand new.
That is again not the car problem.
But the real problem which you might be face is if you have this car and if any part of the car is damaged and you have to replace it then you might get headache because you will not find parts easily.
Otherwise this car is perfect.
If you want to learn driving then this car is best.
Recommended for everyone.