The maruti is the hottest selling car in its segment , not only bcoz , its the only one in its segment , but also bcoz, its affordable and packed with features worth its cost.Why , do u ask ?
Well, for starters , the car costs approx. 2.75lacs x-Mumbai(800 DX) and comes with A/C , T/G (tinted glasses) and a good smooth dashboard , anti glare rear view and anti glare side view mirrors. They even give seat belts!The 5 gear , MPFI , single chip computerised engine , churns out a good BHp , getting to top speeds quite easily.The gear shifting is smooth and they have improved on the Steering wheel and turning radius. The tyres are original radials , ensuring a good degree of grip and smoothness. The seats have been dunloped to reduce the stress on your CHEEKS, during those looong romantic drives.The Overall look hasnt changed much , but then again, u cant have Everything , right ??
Plus a small car means , u could squeeze thro mumbai traffic , easy parking in smaller places. Also the company has a good sales and workshop networking all over India , so u can go just about anywhere , and b sure that Help is not far away !
So if this isnt value for your money , what is ?