Only due to limitation of funds I had to go for Maruti 800 E3 in Sept 2005
I used drive a 1999 Corolla in VA, US.
800 compared to it was not really a car.
It runs fine on india roads, especially in bad driving conditions on Pune roads
This is the best bet. If ever you dent one may not feel a lot.
Some observation on Maruti 800
a) If you happen to bent a bit down in front seat you may see the engine as the Maruti has cut corners and does not provide enough plastic.
b) If you happen to park your vehicle under the tree, you will be welcome with blast of dry leaves as there is not filter in Air flow.
c) The plastic fitting of Maruti 800 are comparable to cheap local make kids plastic toys.
d) The quality of the accessories are pathetic
I am told Maruti wants to phase out 800 and put ALto into that segment.
Hence Maruti has been consistently degrading the quality of 800 in comparasion to Alto.
Hope Tata or Toyota come up with good competition to Maruti 800.
As indian customers do not know what a good car is, Maruti has been made indian customer buy a shoody product.
All over the world Baleno production has been suspended but Maruti Suzuki sell it at discount to india customers.