The reson I call it a legend is bcoz itis.the car is the oldest and still going strong on per month count as a poor mans gives th e feeling to the peoplr(poor)as if they have suceded 4 what they have come for
dont get bowled over by ew altos &wagonrs packajing.i have a black merc &still strong going 1995 maruti 800.i have still not sold it.i would give a sugestion people who are lookin 4 a chap 2 hand maruti should go 4 models mfd. b4 1997 bcoz they r original japanes engines and have beter pick up , power, built.
te 800 is the easist is safest , chepest machine running 2day .the earlier models tent to take on ongoing gaints in overtaking , speed like swift
no 1 shall ever 4get what importane does the 800 have in indian automobileindustry &history.
the 800 is the car which people 2day having lexus, merc, toyotas has also driven.
they 2 may be proud of there car 2day
maruti has the most refined engine of entry level car due which it is transfered to the alto whish is doing weel other wise I tjust has some more style staement some people 2day having expensive cars laugh on the 800s.but they must know that if 800 was not o the road the they were not going to be on there bulky lavish ass thank thank you !!!!!!!