As one of my relative wanted to switch from bike to car, this being his first car, he has called up Maruti guys, to show us demo of Alto 800, the latest buzz word.
The showroom representative(VARUN Motors Gachibowli) came on time as promised(something I did not expect), first look of the car was impressive. Since my relative is new to driving I was offered to experience this car first hand. I own Optra Magnum, so with that experience, I honestly was not expecting much from entry level hatch back from Maruti, but I was surprised because of following points
1) Power steering is very much good, you can turn the car with ease compare to Maruti 800
2) Driver seating posture is better, offering better road visibility
3) All the variants of car has tubeless tyres which is better for our Indian roads
4) Gearshift even though cannot be compared with Hundai variants is much much better.
5) The high of seats(compared to traditional 800) is much better, so when you get into car, you need not bend too much, something Old people with ankle problems will appreciate.
6) Its very good daily commute car in city conditional where you most of the time end up in Bumper to Bumper traffic.
7) Sales person has told(which is I believe also true) that this is highest sold model(LXI) and would get good resale value.
8) I checked about Mileage with one of my team member who is using this car, it gives min. of 20KMPL for sure in typical city conditions, with highway mileage much better which is over 22KMPL
9) It comes with tubeless tyres
10) Top variant of Vxi has optional Air bag which is good safety wise
1) We did two test drives, one with 3 people occupying, and another with full load of 4 adults and 1 child. In full load condition engine sounds bit noisy
2) In full load condition using AC you can feel the power lag(but this is expected considering the PS of engine)
Overall I felt its good VFM CAR, and advised my relative to go for it as this would be his first self driven car.