Purchased this car 10 months ago on Rs 9000 EMI
Great breaks - saved me from accident so many times, cannot live without this car now. One day I did not have this car and I went berserk. It is
a master piece of creation and my hats off to the creator.
Consumes about Rs 6000 of petrol for about 2000 kms of driving approx cost of running Rs 3 per km Will pay around 300000+ Rs 30000 to run the car assuming it has a life of 100, 000 kms
Approx insurance Rs 40000 Total cost of operation Rs 370000+ Rs 330000 for the cost of the car
So total cost of ownership is Rs 700, 000 for approx 4 years= Rs 175, 000 per year= Rs 15000 per month= Rs 500 per day.
Need to earn at least Rs 2000 a day to recover the cost of operations. Rs 500 for transport+ Rs 1100 for family( wife and son) and Rs 400 for self( Future retirement planning)
Paying Maruti the same amount of money that I am saving for my retirement. So adding to the retirement kitty of lakhs of maruti employees/ Indian Oil Employees / Maruti Service centers/spare part manufactures.
Approx same as the price of the car