Hi Guys I Got My CAR on jan 2006. hmmmmmm I had drive all the cars like toyota starlet, Honda civic, and other cars............. Still I got this car this so powerfull than the Maruti M800.It has the Great SEXY look than those other Maruti product. Still Oh guys who says this dosent give good perfomance my car dose abt
0-100 in 16 sec
0 - 60 in 6 sec
I dnt know whether its not the case with othe ALTO Lxi but this one dose abt that much
come on this is not good for 800cc product true true that u cant compare the perfomance with the STARLET and Civic or City come on guys those cars are above 1000cc for 800 cc car it give a great speed.
Come on u guys wheel burn on that car even it will give the wheel burn when u changing that gear from 1 - 2 gear come on this car IS superb for its price and every thing so no one can can say any thing bad abt this car.
u can tell the AC is so powerrful it can freeze u :-).............
Sterring is so good I can take bends really easy in high speed also cos normally I drive my car little bit fast.......................
but after u come to 100 its little bit hard to go faster than that after that accelaraion dosent suppport that much...................................
hey come on how can I forget the space incide.................. U knw the first thing I did I put my cus bro to the back seat and check how is the leg capacity and stuff he could easilly fit into the seat....... though he more than 6 feet tall
overall this car is best value for the price..............................................