ALTO LXI : I started to plan my first car roughly 2 years back., and I focused my search on Zen, Wagon R and Santro. Later on, the Alto also joined the Choice group, consequent upon strong recommendations by a friend who had joined one of Maruti dealer recently. Though we took his recommendations on discounted value (being a representative of Maruti) but his explanations put the Alto as one of possible target in my short list (though at second priority). I, invested complete one year before I could finally dart at Alto- Lxi, specially after price slash for this model. For many of new-interested persons like me, I would like to enlist my summary observations regarding all these cars, Before I take Alto in detail.
ZEN: A car of gone days (till it cosmetically changed its look) by appearance. My wife, like many, was unable to distinguish the Zen and Maruti 800. Though I had preference to this car, owing to positive feed back from owners (The car has a noise-less all aluminum engine to give most comfortable drive to owner with better mileage) yet the luggage space and interior was not so attractive. Look was an added reason to drop out the car from my list. New look may give re-think to new takers.
WagonR: Car for those who have preference for ‘high duck look’ car (more a wagon, less a car, in appearance) but do not want to be adventurous in Servicing & spares matters. Has comparable features with Santro and boot & luggage space (larger than Santro) because of height. More powerful than Zen (and so than Alto). Has added features like, 100% flattening of front seat and full fold of rear seat to create additional space.
SANTRO: A Car with good value for the price. Have better features than any Maruti car. All the persons, who are lazy in changing proper gear, should go to this car, as in latest version (Santro Xing - eRLX), the engine remains quite supportive even at the speed of 20 kmph in 4th gear position (My Alto will give me good jerks, if dare not change gear from 4th to 3rd (or 2nd) with lowering speed, which Santro does not require at all). However, to be alert the fuel efficiency is a major threat to takers of this car. Most of the Santro owners in my close group, are trying to smile with an average of 11-12 kmpl. The seats (I have experience of front seats) and suspension are harder than Maruti cars of this segment, making the ride little bit un-comfortable.
IT IS MY ALTO: Now I return to ALTO. After my evaluation to all the above cars, through various news paper columns and web sites, I finally ended my search on Alto-Lxi, basically for two reasons. First, it was from Maruti stable promising easy maintenance and availability of spares all the time / places. Remember, if you are driving to up-country locations, you are not sure where you may require a service/ spare. Your dependency on your car (and your car’s on a good mechanic & spare) grows with pass of time. Second, the average of Santro (and of WagonR) is poorer than Alto, quite un-attractive for a salaried person like me. Look-wise also the I find Alto only next to Santro.
Every Thing is Not Fine: I, purchased my car from Rajesh Motors, Jaipur in August 2004 and have drove the car more than 8500 KM, before writing a review on my car (I feel eligible only after having some experience with the car). This car negates on two counts. One, with AC on, you find the accelerator non-responsive to your efforts and may get irritated. Second was, hard shifting to 2nd gear . My cab is also does not matching the company’s recommendation to put the gear to 4th position at the speed above 30 kmph (I have to wait until speed of 40 kmph or to face vibrations in the engine, but is it really material ?). Less boot space, also invites attention, as when I press the accelerator from heal (because of deformity in right leg) my knee, more often, experiences touch of hard plastic, beneath the control panel. You would also have to make compromises on luggage space but for the price, all these are not complain worthy.
Finer Fuel Efficiency: On positive sides, at the top is the mileage. I am getting 16.5 kmph with 91 octane extra premium fuel (during 8500 km run) in the city drive. Out of which, 800 Km drive was on national high way (Jaipur – Agra – Mathura – Jaipur) and I got 18 kmpl with Full load (5 persons plus baggage in DESHI style), AC on 50% time and Speed of 30 kmph for 150 km due to rough roads. This wonderful performance of engine is with my car’s status of non-responsiveness to 4th gear at the speed of 30 kmph. I have power steering in my car and feel that you, if saving on other accounts in Alto, should invest in power steering. It can NOT be added on later stage but is quite useful in city driving.
Seating: The seats are very comfortable and I fully endorse the views of some of car owner that It is more important that how you feel while in the car, instead of while you are getting inside / outside the car (mind those who complaint the lower seats in Zen or Alto). I also travel in Santro as well, and find that Maruti car better respond our body curves. Besides, seats of Santro are harder than Maruti cars of same segment.