I had been a proud owner of the first set of Alto Lxs, November 2000 onwards. This car has been quite strong and heavyweighted compared to its earlier sibling the trust worthy 800. Some of my impressions are...
The car has the most coolest air condition in town with a 117 cc compressor.
The car can easily rev and touch the 110 mark without struggling.
Its stable on the highways due to its uncomparable body weight for its engine capacity.
The car is a genuine drive through in the highways, wont say the same on the city.
The cars crumple zone is one of the strongest, as people wont believe that I went and ploughed into a Tata 407 at 60 kmph and still was safe inside the chassis.
The interiors are cramped, to say the least the 800 does not require such a bulky dashboard.
The car does seem to struggle when you are in the second mode of the aircon on.
To sum it up, I would call it the ideal car to step in to if you are looking to graduate from a 2 wheeler to a 4 wheeler. Also would recommend people to go in for the power steering version as the manual steering is sure to test out your muscles.