I buy my alto lxi car from autopace Chandigarh in the month of June 2009 , alto lxi is very beautiful, attractive and very low mentinence car I am very happy with it but I am very sorry to write that the sales excutive of autopace chandigarh ( Ms. Kavita).
Is is very careless and she dossent bother about coustmer`s problem and withher this behaviour I suggest my friend who buyied same car in oct 2009 not to buy from autopace and we buy caulto lxi car from modren automobile chandigarh now once again one of my friend is planning to buy aulto lxi and same this time.
I told him too that dont buy your car from autopace becouse few staff members of autopace are not good they will not entertain you properly and moreover they willl bother about your problem. with this letter I want to tell director of autopace to kindely talk personaly to the pepole to whome u sell a car to know their problems and their feedback