I want to share this experience I had with the Alto LXi so that you guys can avoid making such mistakes.
first thing : I booked alto from mandovi motors, got the loan approved and went for the vehicle delivery, guess what , after I thoroughly scanned the vehicle before taking it, I noticed a big dent on the front right door. arent new cars supposed to be new! . this was the first problem.
now instead of asking the manager for a different vehicle we agreed with the managers words to change the door. after 2 or three days of waiting they finally changed the door, but now another problem, the god dam front door makes cracking sound when you close it. this was really bad as we have given our HARD EARNED MONEY to get this junk.
Then after driving it for a few days we faced another problem, no wonder this car is full of sick surprises, When u try to move in the first gear the vehicle stalls and vibrates as if there is a earthquake.
What the hell, this really pissed me off. I was totally CONNED by MARUTI and MANDOVI DEALER.
i decided never to buy maruti cars again. You guys might think this is one rare unfortunate event that happened to me, :-), I would say thing again, because I spoke to many alto owner and all face the problem with the vibration during pick up. Hope my review was useful... happy driving and good luck with your choice of car.