I have won a hon kerala consumer court order in favour of my car steering being replaced due to a very bad design of the entire steering column assembly in this model .even after the steering column was replaced the sound still continues!!!! My god why did i change my old ford ikon!!!!!!!
To find out this disgusting soung in your bale no also take it to a rough road , a preferably metal exposed road and turn the steering wheel as u would not take a turning , , the sound it makes id disgusting!!!! And maruthi the so called great company doesnt do any thing to address this customer plight... Isaiah to go to the court , but the trouble still xists!!!!
I will not recommend any one buy this cheat product any more.the customer service of all the dealers and company was very very shabby and horrible.they did not have any answer to this problem.why is this cheating going on and why any one is noticing it???