I am one of the first owners of the new, revolutionary, semi-automated celerio amt car in India.I had written a review of the car last year.Some readers have asked me to write an experience report later.Here I am fulfilling that need.
As soon as rumours about this car floated on the net at the end of the year 2013, I recognised that this car is going to revolutionise the Indian car scenario with its path-breaking, cutting edge technology.At one stroke, it removed all the cons associated with automatic cars in India like low mileage, high maintenance etc.Hats off to Maruti for once again introducing a car suited for Indian conditions.
So I booked the celerio amt vxi model, at the end of jan 2014, just before its release at auto expo 2014, delhi in feb 2014.I got the car in march 2014 just one month after booking becoming one of the lucky persons to get it fast.After its launch at auto expo, the waiting period shot up to 6 months!
This is a detailed report of celerio amt meant for people who like to keep their car in top condition for its whole life of 15 years or more and also have the patience to read it."Stylish, fashionable" people who buy new cars every 3-5 years or less may stop reading here.
I purchased the car from Varun motors, begumpet, hyderabad in march 2014.The buying experience was OK with the sales guy being cordial and the various stages of the sale going smoothly.I got the car within the promised time of one month after booking.
The 1st service after one month was done at RKS motors, Secunderabad(Maruti dealer) which is nearer to my home than Varun motors where I purchased my car.
I am using the car only in start-stop, heavy city traffic.I was getting 14-15 km/l with a/c on under such severe conditions till the 1st service.Mileage dipped to 11 km/l immediately after the 1st service! I suspected foul play.I contacted RKS motors manager about it and he replied that the car will stabilise once it reaches 10, 000 kms or 1 year after 3rd service.
I was not satisfied and contacted my local, trusted mechanic.He said that the mechanics at RKS motors may have swapped some brand new spare part(s) like fuel pump with old one(s) and sold it outside for a huge profit.I told him that I was monitoring the 1st service the whole time.He laughed and told me that it takes just 2 seconds to change many spares!
I was intrigued.I did not believe that it is possible to do such theft under my nose.I did not let matters rest there.I was told at RKS motors repeatedly to wait in the lobby.But I did not heed and loitered near the car observing the servicing all the time.It got over fast within 1/2 hour.
The 2nd service was also done at RKS motors at 6 months so that I can further find out what exactly is happening.I decided to test the service executive.I told him that I wanted to change the engine oil even though it is not required in the 2nd service.He agreed.I asked him which grade of engine oil he is going to put in my car.He told me that they put 5w30 grade engine oil in all maruti cars that come for servicing there!
I was horrified.I told him that Maruti recommends different grade oils for different cars in their respective booklets.He agreed that it may be so but that their management have found out that 5w30 grade oil by shell or mobil companies is suitable for all cars!
I was amused that these people are self-styled researchers(like self-styled swamis) to make a mockery of Marutis recommendations.For those who do not know, engine oil is the life blood of cars.Engine oils have grades just like human blood(A+, A-, B+, B- etc.).If a human being is infused with the wrong grade of blood, he/she will die immediately.In the case of cars, the car may notdie immediately but will have a slow death over the years.The car may develop complications over few years and go on frequent breakdowns.
Anyone with a little common sense can see what is going on.This is just like the medical malpractices practised across India.Patients are treated by doctors in such a manner so as to complicate matters and elaborate checkups, operations etc. are done so that hospitals can mint money.Most people do not even ask their doctor about the treatment done.
In a similar manner, most people do not ask the service guys about what they are doing to their cars.They simply drive their cars into the dealer service centre, hand over the keys and let the service guys "destroy" the cars!The customers are given plush a/c lobbies to sit in and provided with mineral water and coffee/tea.Enjoying all these pamperings, gullible people fool themselves into believing that they are getting world-class service!
The reason why RKS motors is using the same grade engine oil from the same companies(shell & mobil) is that these companies give very large margins for selling their costly, synthetic oils.Frequent breakdowns will help them to extract big money for repairs and spares from the customers.
I did not change engine oil there and asked to meet the works manager.He was not to be found.I made several attempts to contact him later but he was never available.
The mileage of the car remained at 11 km/l after 2nd service also.I was filling petrol from the same BP pump always, since it is recommended in fuel economy tips that it is better to fill fuel from the same pump.I changed to an Indianoil pump nearby just to see what will happen.The mileage increased to 15 km/l dramatically!So the real culprit in my case was the petrol pump!
The engine oil recommended for celerio car is 0w20 grade.This is a new type of oil in the industry.The RKS motor guys told me that they do not have this oil.I tried to get it in the open market but failed.Most of the shop keepers have never even heard of this oil!
0w20 oil is a thin oil specifically developed to meet the demands for better fuel economy and trouble-free cold starting.Maruti has engineered the engine inside celerio to accomodate this oil.
For the 3rd service, I went to Varun motors.I asked the service executive whether they have 0w20 oil there.He told me that it is not available.I asked him what oil will be put in my celerio.He said 5w30 oil by mobil! He claimed that the thickness of all oils are the same! Then I asked him why they have different names.He had no answer.He simply laughed.
I asked to see his manager.He told me that the manager has gone outside and will come soon.He asked me to wait in the lobby.After a long time of half an hour, I went out and saw the phone numbers of different managers written on a board.I started dialling one number.The service guy saw me doing this, ran to me and told me that his manager is here!Suddenly the manager materialised in front of me and asked me about my problem!
I told him.He said that celerios recommended oil is not 0w20.I handed over the celerio booklet.As soon as he saw it, he agreed that 0w20 oil is celerios oil!Then he asked me where my car is.I told him that it is parked outside.Then he asked me why I did not drive it in directly so that they can service it! I replied that I never do it as a rule.Since they do not have 0w20 oil I have to go elsewhere.Suddenly he told me that they have it!
Now the picture is clear! I asked him how I can trust my car with such liars.Then he started grovelling in front of me and said that it is all the fault of the service guy working under him! I was speechless with rage at him for putting all the blame on his subordinate when everyone there is part of the conspiracy!
I came out of there and went to acer motors, another maruti dealer in the city.There the service guy told me that they use the recommended oil for every car.He told me that 0w20 oil is there and took me to their oil stock room.I saw several large drums of different types of oil there.There were big plastic labels on every drum mentioning the company name, grade of oil, manufacturing date etc.But 0w20 oil was not to be found! Then in one corner of the room a drum was found with no label on it.Just a black paint stamp was on the drum written 0w20!
I asked him which company made this oil.He told me that he did not know.He offered to take me to the works manager and we went and met him.I told him the whole story right from the beginning about 0w20 oil.He was flabbergasted.He showed me the invoice of the unlabelled 0w20 oil drum which said that it was servo brand made by Indianoil company.He told me that the coolant, brake oil and gear oil of celerio are also of brand new grades which are just beginning to come to the market.He told me that I should have asked RKS motors guy to give in writing that they use the same engine oil in all cars.I said that noone will give in writing the wrong things they shoot from their mouths.
Since I was not interested in using oil from a large unlabelled drum, I went to another maruti dealer in the city, Mithra agencies.Here the service guy showed me a servo 0w20 oil 3.5L sealed plastic can.My car underwent its 3rd service here.
Here also I was told repeatedly to sit in the a/c lobby and have coffee/tea.But I loitered around the car observing the service procedures.It was done to my satisfaction.
I saw that Maruti has simplified the engine oil changing procedure compared to old cars like 800 and zen.A special tool is required to unscrew the bottom cap of oil tank under the car.Once you buy this tool, it is easy to DIY(do it yourself) by following the clear instructions for oil change given in the booklet.
I have outlined a sample of the malpractices going on in the big dealer service centres across India.This is just the tip of the iceberg.I have heard that in one such centre it has been made mandatory to hand over old, used engine oil to the customer after some smart customer found out that no engine oil change was made in his car after paying for it!
Most of the regular maintenance steps are detailed in a very clear manner in the booklet that come with the car so that one can DIY.Some of the works like brake oil change or coolant change are a bit difficult.But once you see it done by a mechanic, it is easy to follow and replicate.
My suggestion is to use a knowledgeable, local mechanic if you dont want to DIY.Cultivate a friendship with him and get things done under your presence and supervision.Develop a mutual trust with him.Go to the big dealer centres only for the first 3 compulsory services without which the car warranty becomes void.
At present, after 3rd service, my celerio gives me 15 km/l under rough city conditions with a/c on.I have never taken it to the highway till now.But I am sure it will give 20 km/l on the highway since it is giving 15 km/l under rough city conditions.This is as good as one can get in any small car.
Maruti makes world class cars.But its dealers who are not under their direct control are destroying its image and reputation through their malpractices in pursuit of sky-high profits.This tendency can be controlled only through customer vigilance and feedback.