Before 3 months we brought maruti suzuki ciaz .we trusting and experiancing maruti suzuki company from last 10 years . in last 3 months my experiance with my ciaz was awsome. it was like everydae with new experience .maruti suzuki ciaz is best in lookes styles and also best in milage .
It is very confertable in long drive .i have petrol version of ciaz my milage is 19.80/leter I am very happy with my milage .and also maintanence of ciaz is also reasonable .
When we drive this car it was like we are druvin g rocket very smooth and perfect .technologies had improved there is sound system fully airconditioner system in suitable temprature . led systemes and space is also big so if you want for long driving ciaz is perfect for that .engine power is also good . I loved this car alot .