Exterior Excellent make and I guess this is the first maruti design which has been aerodynamically designed.
Interior(Features, Space & Comfort) Excellent features with the closeure of the center panel leaving all your USB cables inside a small box for a neat finish.
Excellent space for long jurney. Drove Delhi - Dehradun without a stop and at the end it space made it feel like the journey had just begun.
Ride Quality & Handling Brilliant handeling. complete control in case you meet a dead end on the road and for sharp turns along the curves to. tried and tested for driving on the mountains. Stood out while driving on a gravel street Never made it feel like a sedan and it felt more like an SUV.
Areas of improvement The diesel engine needs improvement. It lags the turbo which makes the car feel heavy whn you begin the ride but when the turbo kicks in you feel like your floating on the streets.