I read through many good reviews of Esteem.I too own an Esteem VXI 2003 model.Bought it 2 months back. I have couple of problems with this car.
1.Iam not happy with the pickup when on second gear and slow drive.The car vibrates.How do I solve this problem.I had given for service where they had changed the filter.But the result is the same.
2.I understand that in MPFI engines it is not possible to tune for mileage it is already preset.Not sure how much I get but I assume its only around 10KM/L.Is their a way that I can improve this
3.When on AC the pickup drops drastically mainly in second gear and slow drive.How do I over come this How do I over come this
Iam looking for some options which I can ask my mechanic to work on.So If some one has some solutions to this please mail me at id