We have had the Esteem since July 1995, now she will complete 12 years this July.
Driving the Esteem has been a good experience, she has decent amount of power, good mileage: about 10 with A/c in the city, about 12-14 on the highway. Suspension is a bit stiff, but smooth as the same time. Clutch, Gears, Brakes are quite good. The first time I ever drove the esteem, I felt that the brake pedal went in a little more than other cars I had driven of that time. As time went by, I got used to it. The feel and handling of the car is a bit tight, accurate and since you cant see the bonnet of the car sitting in the driver’s seat, you have to use your judgement with bit of help from the sides and bottom of the windshield!
The front window glasses have a problem of slipping off the channel causing them to perform various acrobatic movements. The A/c cooling is moderate, needs a better design for the blower vents. The leg space for the rear passengers is a bit cramped, making it a bit uncomfortable for long journeys.
It is advisable to fit relays (cut-out) for the headlamps and horn, it does improve the life of the battery. Any good car electricain would do a fine job, but for those who swear by the company service centre, could have it done through them.
The steering damper bushes need inspection about once in 8-10 months, depending on ones use.
Alot of improvements have been made in the newer MPFi models. Just drive my friends new Esteem, I was quite impressed. The car somehow felt lighter than mine but at the same time very stable.
I like the new grille, the lamps and the dashboard design in the new Esteem. The A/c blowers have been moved down closer to the gear lever, which has definately improved its performance. The new seats kind of hug you while you drive giving you a feeling of comfort and support. The pick up of the car is a bit lean in the begining, but then once she opens up, she goes all out. Well, its all about the 85 BHP MPFI which is a boost of 20 BHP over my carburettor with 65 BHP. (It was the same feeling when I drove my esteem after the 1000).
I am quite happy with what Maruti has done to thier new Esteem and I would definitely recommend this car!
I am a Maruti fan...