Me again! Sunil from Hyderabad.
As I told u earlier I own an Esteem 96 model vxi.
Very good car but old model, it gives me arnd 10 kmpl and very sooth and aerodynamic.
I put a spoiler and a powerful deck, since then the body started to vibrate like anything. I took my car to the service they said they cant help it, that car doesnt support ur music system !
I laughed and took out the 2 woofers I placed in the trunk, and fitted it to the upper shelf a lil bit vibration reduced but frm the pout side u can even hear the silencer hitting to the bumper and the glass vibrating and the wheel caps, my god I thought what the hell is this and took out the woofers frm my car and packed it off.
My car has a good pickup and a tremendous pick up in 2nd gear compared to other cars in 1.3 seg it touches 110 in 2ng gear as of an rs, isnt that good !
The new steem is good and lil highter than the old 1 and smooth too ! Interiors are good and the lights are powerful.
Can any of you guys tell me what is your esteem giving ( mileage ) and top speed achived. And tell me how to reduce the sounds ....