When Maruti introduced esteem in India. It was not a very big hit. But slowly and Steadily it occupied a place in peoples heart. Sleekly designed, and aerodynamicly appealing this car has something special about it.
The car is capable of handling various jolts of Indian Roads and the accelaration is superb according to Indian Conditions. The car has a good cutting edge and is capable of hight speed manuvring. This car is although not ideal for city driving as it doesnt cleanly fits into small cars category. The driving is very easy and gear shifts are clean. The car can take a load on the begging 1 to 2 gears and keep on going like this till 5th gear. The avergae are how ever is good only on highways. Though not a complete petrol drinker but one expects more from this car.
This car has superb power, and still has the thrust of leaving some the new cars in the market behind.
The only dissporovals I find in this car is its cutting problem in low radius, and the seating position is way too low. Also the axle is too low and there is chance you might bump into few stones.
I give it 4/5. rating