I have been driving my esteem last 3 yrs. never visited a mechanic except for routine service. comfy. spacious, precise car. cheap too - as cheap as my previous car m800. the average is good too about 10 in city with ac and 18 on hi ways. the average city range is 400 km on full tank.the boot is good. after buying this car I have often thought of upgrading to - lets say , honda city or hyundai accent or a lancer - then after driving these cars I said- hey whats the difference? none really!! so am sticking to ma esteem . even wifey dear drives it with no qualms. but now that my kids r growin and huge fellars like me- the fight is who will sit behind mama? since my seat is pushed all the way back- so whats the answer? not honda city or accent or optra or skoda- but a innova or an suv. if u were driving a honda city u will no doubt find esteem a poor cousin, but if u started ur career with an esteem - u will never change it. buy it.