Hi Everyone, I just joined this forum and looking for a sincere guidance from all of you for buying a secondhand SUV Vehicle. First bit about me, I am an IT professional Working in Bangalore and cant afford NEW SUV so it will be my first SUV, as of now I am having Diesel car (Indica V2) and I am overall happy with the mileage and maintenance cost of the vehicle.
As per my budget (approx 2.5 lac’s), I can have Maruti Gypsy or Tata Sierra. And that is what I want to choose 1 from these two.
Now here I am shooting my set of queries::::::::
Shall I go for Maruti Gypsy 2000 Model running on Gas Kit or some diesel converted Army disposal Gypsy of 1986 Model ? ??? I would like to have answer is in terms of durability and maintenance cost.
Which car is more preferable and is a first choice for people whole want to have SUV... I mean is it Gypsy or Sierra ...?? Many thanks if you can write few words as the justification for your answer to this query.
Is it advisable to purchase Tata Sierra..? At a stage when Tata have already closed its manufacturing. how long Tata is going to supply spare parts in Market for Sierra ???
When exactly Tata have stopped manufacturing Sierra? I want to know this, so that I can look for a model near to that closing date...
Do you have any clue or Idea if Tata is still supply new Sierra on order basis??
At how much km. a Diesel and a Petrol Engine needs overhauling??
Is it ok to buy a Sierra 2000 model completed 96000km at cost of 2 lacks. ?? Guide me bit more about the costing..
Can you guide me about a web site or a place in Bangalore where I can get a best deal for the product I am looking for...???
yeahhhh...!! I know I have pushed a lots of question on you guys but yaar I am in dammt situation in deciding the car and I want this to be done jaldi.
Eagerly waiting for your replies...
Thanks in advance for your all time and keep smiling ..coz that always increase our face value :-)
Savraj Singh