Ussaly it is an uniqe car upto date. It is a five seater car.Its smily face give good attractive . It is build with Nexa. Its company it self given it is a none of akind. Its price range starts from 4.7lacs. It is a styish car and its milage is 19 to 20kmpl. Maruti suzuki designed it with good infotanment system in it. It is a soomth running car and also a good in its fuel performance. It is good for single family. It have music system and it got good crush testing rates upto 4 out of five. It have good large enough space to head room and leg room and this car is quite good in traffic cities and also suited for indian roads. And it have good and large boot space of 200liters. It have 11 different varints in Igins.
Its top is up to 10lacs .