I have bought an Omni E last week. I like the van very much. I have opted C. Blue. I have purchased from Mandovi Bangalore. I got a very nice sales person who taken care of everything from first day to delivery and more. I took direct SBI Loan for the same and It was amazing speed from SBI within 4 days they have approved the loan and given me the cheque. NO hazzle at all.
The sales person I contacted is Mr. Karthik He behaved very well and properly delvered the Van to me.
I did not took the test drive bz not required.
I appreciate the speed Mandovi have in their processess...
I just shooted a mail and they contacted me within 10 minutes.
Get a best deal from Mandovi
Today May 21st 2009.
I have posted this long back almost a year back. We are impressed with this VAN. It gives me mileage around 15-17 on Petrol for long trips. I traveled about 400KMs in a stretch twice UP and down. The trip was awesome.
If the ROAD is bad then back seat people will have problem. But that is the same in all small cars.. as per my experience.
No need to go to the show room at all if you are confident abt the car.
Cheers. Good luck to all.
I am very much satisfied with this vehicle and the service mandovi offered me till now . I build a small house inside the CAR and my wife and 2 children enjoyed all trips. No can will give that feature for me. Thanks Maruti.. a proven CAR and Company. Cheers again.
Editing the same post after 20 months...
Very good experience with the VAN. It will be good or recommended to FIX the FRONT SIDE CRASH GUARD for OMNI which saved my life.!!!! After the accident I removed the old CRASH GUARD and fixed new.... because I know the value .. which is almost equal to my life...
Good performance and drive.. I used the same to drive almost 400KM + 400 KM. We need to take 10 min break in every 2-3 Hrs otherwise the co-driver seat becomes very hot. Engine heat.