I have used both the versions of the famed Maruti Omni van from Maruti
Suzuki India, the petrol version(did 70, 000 kms.) as well as the LPG+petrol version
(clocked 45, 000 kms. and still going strong!) which, obviously, came later.
Maruti Suzuki have done away with the air vents which came with the
earlier model. These were two small slide-open panels through which a
steady stream of fresh air entered the cabin from under the
dashboard, from both sides, once the vehicle was cruising at a comfortable
speed. This was a great comfort in this hot & humid country of
ours. Sometimes, I used the vents even in the winters, as some cooling was
necessiated if you are driving *and *wearing woolens!
Someone somewhere in Maruti Suzuki has deprived the present models of
the Omni, of this vital air ventilation tool. *
It creates excessive fogging of the windshield if it is raining. And the reason is simple. When the vehicl is not in use, the moisture(humidity) is there residing within car upholstery including the carpet. As the engine heats, this moisture is released as steam. And all of it very conveniently condenses on the wind-shield, making life very very difficult for the driver! The poor fellow is mopping the glass manually. The problem gets compounded manifold if the windows are rolled up, as one is wont to do in a downpour.
This statement should be
seen in the light of the fact that this probably is the only passenger
vehicle available in the market without a fan.
Maruti Suzuki should also think of changing the design of the last
glass windows on both sides of the Omni. These are totally sealed.
Looking to the rising temperature pattern of India, they will do well
by making them open able by sliding open the glass, as the middle
windows for the passengers are. Another option is to make them open able
by a couple of inches, as was done by Toyota Qualis and presently in
the Tavera.
Thirdly, if they can install a small electrically operated fan in the
dashboard at the factory itself, then, well, er, Suzuki will very well succeed in adding a couple of more years of life to this tried and
trusted horse of the Indian roads!