My family owns a santro and i10 and am looking or another small car for my own personal use.I want to buy a Maruti car only and Swift and ritz were the 2 options I looked at.
I went to Maruti dealers in Delhi.i.e DD Motors, Saya, Rana Motors to take a test drive of Ritz and Swift(both Petrol and Diesel).Swift offers a super ride quality.driving pleaure is unmatched in this segment.
It gives a heavy/solid feel of a car.not like a box on a set of 4 wheels like a wagon r, a star or i10 for that
matter.On the downside its interiors are cramped and it lacks in storage spaces in comparison to ritz.
Also as per the feedback of my friends its mileage is only 10-11 kmpl for petrol whereas ritz is expected to give around 13 kmpl(forget what maruti claims of 17.7.its rubbish.)why would any1 buy diesel cars if petrol starts giving this sort of mileage.
Now comes the ritz which is the heart of this review.
I test drove both petrol and diesel and altough diesel is more peppy than petrol but considering my usage and diesel engines resale after a lakh km put me off.Also it is 1 lakh costly(including the interest amount I would need to pay on the loan).Its break even would happen exacly after 50000 kms after which diesel engine would start asking for maintanence and resale would plumb.these are my personal views though.though I have seen many people going for diesel cars these days.ddis engine quite refined, thats for sure.but still in another 1-2 years we should get a proper feedback about them.
Ritz is a very spacious car.there are ample of storage options in the front though there is none at the rear.
Its interiors are better than swift and has a fresh look from the outisde.Initially I also didnt used to like its
rear look but once you start looking at it daily you will like it more than swift.Its quite comfortable and the tall boy design ensures cabin feel is quite spacious.Also it offers a better rear leg room than swift.60:40 rear folding swift is also an advantage.Another good thign about ritz is the colours option.There are some new swanky colours to choose from albiet white and silver fetch a better resale value and touching of a dent is quite easy:).but, but and there is always but.swift is doesnt match swift in terms of ride quality.i feel swift is for those who want a better driving pleasure and ritz for those who want a practical car.better mileage, spacious and good looking interiors and more over a fresh look and new car on the road.swift is quite common now and every second person is having it.but its a drivers car and a pleasure to drive.
I am yet to take a decision as to which one to I am waiting till december to buy the car.there maybe better discounts as generally companies look to phase out their model in the year end.