I have bought Ritz VXI dazsle only this month during Navratras, earlier I was zeroing down on i10, but when I saw Ritz I fall in love with its design which is more spacious than i10, further when I asked about the performance of the same of i10 from the person owing the same, I came to know that every body is complaining about average and maintenance cost of the same, which I did not like. Whereas on road I found i10 more than Ritz but for the same thing I give credit to i10 for its pricing bcoz the same is comparatively cheaper than Ritz.
i10 magna is appealing pricewise when you go for buying the same but when you think intelligently then I realize that buying Ritz is more wisdomful reason being when I asked about the mileage and maintainance of the car from the person owing Ritz I got very positive reply. Its giving more mileage and when you drive it you feel the comfortness of moving the gear without any discomfort. Earlieron I was owning Toyota Corona while in Gulf. Though Toyota was my dream car but budget of the same restricted me to look for comfortable car with more reliability like Toyota Cars which is established car all over the world. Then I zeroed down on Maruti Ritz VXI for which I feel proud to own.