Recently i bought ritz from the maruti-suzuki bros, this is my first car.
Why maruti: simple answer service meeting consumers expectation
Why not others: not reliable on different aspects
Why ritz: the true part comes here when i decided maruti first car came to my mind was swift but i learned the driving lessons recently and would like to be a quick implementer on what i learned. When went and inquired about swift they asked me to wait for min-2 max-months which is not feasible for me hence i made up mind to ritz which has everything that swift has two things we have to compromise were colour & not up to the mark back view.
So i made up my mind to buy though waiting time is 30 days dealer helped to get it done in 11 days thanks to c.a.r.s india in valasaravakkam chennai especially peer mohammed - sales executive to made this possible
At times funny things happened to you: this happened to me everyone are saying about the abnormal back view but in my office none reported that & the colour of my ritz is bakers chocolate which is not the colour i liked everyone in my office liked it, funny world isnt it. There ends the story of how ravikumar became ritz ravikumar
Enjoy driving