I bought this car becoz it is really a good version of old s cross this car has more leg room than old version and feel very comfortable to drive.
I am totally satisfied with the dealer and maruti suzuki this time becoz before that I bought marutis wagonr and I m not as satisfied as I m now.
Milege wise they claim 25.1 k/h but with my real experience if you take care of this car then milege will be like 20-24 so its quite nice.
I bought 1.6 ltr diesel version becoz it is only available in diesel version so comfort wise this car is up to mark this car is spacious so it is very comfortable.
Relibilty if you talk about this topic than MARUTI SUZUKI is well knowned brand of INDIA so relibilty is very good.
Appeal for this car is if you have that much money to buy a car than in my opinion this is better than any other hatchback in india .
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