I am exploring my experience with Swift Dzire Vxi (Petrol) as I have only completed only 300 kms 5 days old with dzire but it sound goods.
Only concern or problem I can say will be mileage even I am not sure on this on getting tank full to full its showing me a average of around 8.48 Kmpl which I think would be a shock for me as I am expecting around 13-14 in city driving.
I have exchanged dzire with my indigo and I can say Indigo is equivalent comfortable to dzire. boot space in dzire is also good like indigo. The good think in dzire is engine and a trusted name Maruti and I can expect lower maintenance cost compared to indigo.
The only problem in dzire I feel is rear glass, I always find it little difficult on reversing car. overall performance of vehicle is really good , I should not so much as I have done only 300 kms so I will be back after some time.
Only problem is with vehicle deliveries u have to put some efforts for owing dzire.