When there are two similar cars available in the market with the same engines(you know what I mean) why go for such a car.
Honestly, never go for a car whose engine is outsourced. Suzuki cars are great when they have their own engines. Otherwise they are just boxes. If you thought diesal is going to save you money, youre dead wrong. The maintenace is going to be a nightmare. After 3 years, you will hate your car and hate yourself for buying it.
If you are buying on an EMI, things are worse. With the interest and opportunity cost added, you can certainly use it for fueling a petrol car and go zip zap zoom.
My advice is stick to petrol version if going with Maruti. The fuel is costly but the basic cost is cheap, its easier to maintain, runs longer. It all ends up in equal sum.now or later! Its upto you to decide how practical you are.