Swift VXi Petrol with ABS is my first car, so I m not an expert to talk about cars but I would like to share with you how I happened to choose Swift Petrol.
I had two cars in mind Getz and Swift. I was liking Getz for its looks. But after comparison I found Swift being bit better than Getz. Here are the points :
1. Fuel Economy : Though they say Getz has milage of 11 to 13 I have no experience of that. But my Swift is giving me average of 15.5+ km/lit of Extra Premium Petrol. This is mixed milage, city and highway ( maximum highway), with five passengers and AC ON all the time.
2.Ground Clearance :*
Swift - 170mm
Getz - 160mm
- ABS :*
To get an ABS version of Getz you have to jump directly to highest version. Where as Swift VXi comes with ABS option.
- Tubeless tyres :*
Swift has, Getz dont. I feel that today many a times we happen to drive on highways, expressways.. Tubeless tyre is best suited for that.
- Turning Radious :*
Swift - 4.7 meters, Getz - 5 meters
In city every single centimeter counts.
- Maruti Service :*
I had heard better about maruti service than Hyundai. And now after 4 months and 1 servicing done I m convinced that Maruti is quite good with overall service and servicing. In fact, I m very happy with the service my dealer ( Chowgule Industries, Pune) gave me. And Maruti also keeps a track of customer satisfaction.
- Resale price :*
To my knowledge, Maruti gets a penny more than Hyundai during resale.
Now comes another point.
Why I chose Petrol as against Diesel.... Here is my calculation :
Assume the car is used for 1000Km per month then :
Diesel - 1000km - 21 km/lit - 48 lit diesel - 48x35= 1680Rs
Petrol - 1000km - 14 km/lit - 72 lit petrol - 72x51= 3672Rs
Difference 1992Rs.
If one goes for Diesel vehicle then saving per ( In Rupees)
Month = 1992
1Year = 23904
3year = 71712
41months = 81672
Onroad Price of of Swift VXi - 4, 79, 748 Onroad Price of Swift VDi - 5, 61, 482
Differece : 81, 734
Conclusion :** If the car is used for 1000Km per month then the difference of cost of petrol and diesel vehicle will be covered only after 3 years and 4 months, approximately. But if your running is going to be more then you calculate accordingly. 3 of my firends have chosen VDi, the Diesel version as they run around 2k every month.
Please note that I have taken the average of Petrol as 14 ( less than what I get) and Diesel 21 ( on higher side). So the figures mentioned above are on average.. but these figures made me go for petrol version, as I wont even run 1000Km per month.
To conclude, I m happy with the vehicle, Fuel economy, Service from the dealer as well as Maruti. My first car has been a right choice.