NIKHIL DEHPANDE and my friend, automobile enthusiast Im working in pune as
a IT professional, eagerly waited for the launch or Suzuki swift vxi with
abs in mid 2005 booked the car in may the first batch waited for 2 months
and was told wont get the car with abs till November because of problems
with abs so had to settle down with vxi without abs got it in august, my
friend and me bought the cars from diff dealers in nasik, he started to have
a problem with the gear shifter in couple of months where the shifter used
to rattle in 3rd gear and after even checking the gearbox and doing various
things the problem till now persists,
I dint uses the car much for I had another car till one year I just drove
only 8000k in AN YEAR IN which I got all the three services done regularly
and was happy, when in nov2006 I started to drove the car regularly I
started noticing a problem the coolant stared to disappear form the reservoir
, I drove down to the dealer and asked why so it was just filled up and got
through after couple of days the temperature of the car started to
increases I called the dealer checked the reservoir found it empty too it to
the dealer checked the oil level increases but nothing there to see if the
coolant mixes with the oil in the engine, then the dealer replaced all the
hoses to rectify but it dint stop there, then came the checking and
replacement of the radiator then the thermostat , but nothing happening,
then I drove to pune with the coolant bottles I\just incase the reservoir
gets empty on the way, yes it did happen now I was at the dealer in pune he
checked but no results, I was checking the coolant level every time till I called my dealer in nasik and asked him to fix this now, I went back and
till not diagnosed planned to pull out the head where the head and changed\n
the gasteket but no its doesnt solve the problem now we plan to replace
the head. But no conclusions yet. its been a month we have been playing with
this matter.
This has been a embarrassing event for me to carry the coolant bottles and\n
opening up the bonnet after every ride to check for the coolant level, now
the car is in nasik with the head opened the problem isnt rectified and
till last update the coolant disappears and the temperature of the engine\n
goes high.
The service of my dealer in nashik AND pune
Has been efficient, hes been trying to help me out, I also got a service
car for the last 14 days now m driving a zen-d 4year old . My car heads is\n
open I talked to the regional engineer but the problem is not solved yet.
The car has done only 13800 k in 1.5 years THE CAR IS STILL IN WARRANTY and
I m in this helpless situation .where I work hard to own a car and pay its\n
monthly installments.
My question to maruti is
1, why is this r&d being done on my car and on whose cost?
- Is this called the car of the year?
3 Why m I suffering? Just because I took good care of my car\n
- What is the cost of my embracement and CAN I TRUST MY CAR AGAIN?
5 or is this just a discussion in the third world country with euro norms.\n \n \n PLS ANSWER MY FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IT WILL BE GREAT SATISFACTION TO ME1.
. I just want to know why has the problem occured and why has it come down to resolving it?
2.doesnt maruti test and try cars before bringing to the market? if so why m I in this helpless situation?
have written to maruti they just say they r sorry and checking upbut no answers for my questions., I want answers for the so called big brand.