Hi All, I am planning to buy a hatch back car this month. I did quite descent search for a vehicle with below requirements.
(1) Cost between 5~6Lakhs on Road in Bangalore.
(2) Fuel-Efficient
(3) Durable
(4) Low on Maintenance
(5) Safety feature.
After reading many reviews and my own hands-on on Swift Vxi. I am satisfied for above parameters 1~4 but I need some information on "(5) Safety Features", so with respect to same I have below query request someone to answer
(1) Importants of car with ABS? Vxi has 2 variants with and without ABS with aprx 25k diff in price.
(2) Vxi does not have Airbag option how much important Airbag is in Car?
Kindly reply Asap.