I booked my SWIFT VXI(ABS) on 8th June at BIMAL Auto, Bangalore. Promised delivery within 6~8 weeks. Paid up about 3 lakhs, now each time I call up the dealer to get some NEWS about the car I get a different story. First they said end July, then end Aug the last time I called they said Sept.
I think MUL has taken its customers for granted, I wrote a email to Maruti Udyog Ltd making them aware of these facts, they sent me the tel no. of the regional sales office at Bangalore and asked me to get in touch with them. Since the past two days I have been calling them up and the only info I get is that the concerned person is not in seat, the concerned person has not come in as yet.
This is the state of affairs my friends, so book your swift with these facts in mind.
Thoroughly and utterly disappointed with Maruti, and then we say customer is GOD !!