This month itself id given a -ive feedback about SWIFT but now my opinion was forced to change SWIFTly ... ;) [after a prolonged waiting period came to an end on 21st July] I FINALLY got the delivery.
The car looks amazing - Silky Silver VXI - with side moulding (gives that sturdy exterior looks ;)]
About the interior - ive read people grumbling a lot about it - but to be true I did like it, its not that bad - I guess its just an exaggeration.
Sitting comfort - front seats are as confortable as you can dream off, even the back row is pretty decent. Take for example - 3 people on back row of avg weight of 75 - 80 kgs (now you are wise enough to determine their size) and sit with ease.
Mileage - have driven 200+ kms in Bangalore traffic, where you DARE to go beyond 2nd gear (esp. on airport road). Still gave a decent avg. of 11 kms - that too before 1st service. I guess pretty decent taking into consideration the traffic condition on airport road in bangalore.
Overall IMO, the car is amazing with close resemblance to MINI COOPER and at current price - its a STEAL, a real HEAD TURNER
Exclude the delivery factor, rest all AWESOME!!
This is what I had initially posted (before getting the delivery) .....
undoubtedly Swift has made a statement in current auto market but shouldnt the punch line be modified a bit to: YOU ARE THE FOOL (indicating towards customer) instead of FUEL!!
I guess thats what MARUTI thinks about its tons of customers who have booked SWIFT. I too am one of the esteemed aka tortured customer who booked swift VXI (silky silver) in second week of MAY05 with BIMAL AUTO, Bangalore and still waiting for an endless waiting period to get over even after making the entire payment.
I think its a high time now for maruti management to stop behaving like government officials and take some drastic step to salvage their pride in indian auto market. The best part is even the Regional Sales office in Bangalore for MARUTI doesnt have despatch schedule for the vehicles - all they say is We ONLY have tentative schedule which can OBVIOUSLY shift further
Ill probaby wait for max. a week for the vehicle to get dispatched else will go for Corsa SAIL (1.4) which I was initially planning for.