Hi today I came back to Delhi after long drive from Dehradun, this was my first long drive on swift, now my car has been fully tested in most horrible bad weather conditions in these past 3 days. I also enjoyed on Hi-way in bad rainy weather and road conditions between Delhi to Dehradun and since from the begining before leaving to Dehradun iwanted to check the average of my car on Hi-way. After reaching back todelhi I noticed and calculated it was 17.3 km per litre on Xtra premiumPetrol better than my maruti 800 (2000 model).. I had read so manyreviews where people have written Swift gives only 14-15 average onHi-way thats totally wrong my car gave me 17.3 on Hi-way, may be coz of light weight alloy wheels if you willuse your gears properly im sure it could be between 17 or 18, I alsochecked on Delhi roads it gives between 12-14. Im attaching 2 photographs which I had taken in Dehradun... Check in "Product Overview".
Updated on 3rd July...06
Hi yesterday I went to Tyresshowroom to change my tyres to Alloy Wheels. I checked lots of Alloywheels for swift in various designs n brands both Indian n Importedbrands but finally I installed AURAs make brand Alloy Wheels withRadial Tubless which is product of Aditya Birla Group to my swift, nowthe look of car has become totally changed.. It looks much much betterthen before ill post the pic soon, without Alloy Wheels you will feelsomething is missing in the car... I really dont like the plasticcovers on the tyres which comes in factory fitted but with Alloy wheelsit looks stunning specially if you install Alloy Wheels with RadialTyres in Red Colored swift, It will give you a totally sporty look likeFerrari. It costs near about 25000/- for 5 Alloy wheels + TubelessRadial tyres in leu of your old 5 tyres. There r lots of advantages ofAlloy wheels like the superior heat dissipation characteristics thanregular steel wheels, Lighter than original steel wheels resulting intoimproved fuel efficiency, Excellent Road handling and corneringability, Rust-free, corrosion resistant and virtually maintenance free, Excellent compatibility with Radial, Regular and Tubeless tyres n yathe most important thing is its Stunning looks n smooth comfortabledrive... So ill recommand go with Alloy wheels + Radial Tublessspecially if you have a car like SWIFT... you will really enjoy the ride
updated 27th June...06
Hii finally today ive got my Bright Red Swift Vxi today, I almost drove 15 km on first day and gave party to my friends. Im really very satisfy with my swift as well as with my decision. It was lovely smooth drive and to have fun with swift. AC is really very powerful and the vibration is almost Zero and the most imporatant thing is you will feel safe while driving Swift compare to other B sagment cars. It seems to be heavy duty compare to other cars. Tommorow im going to change my swifts Vxi wheels to Alloy wheels + Radial Tubless Tyres coz that is the only thing which I didnt like in this, tyres are a little bit thin compare to Radial wheels. Radial Alloy wheels will give better look to this kind of sporty look car. Alloy wheels of ZXi are much much better than VXi and Lxi. Before delivery today I installed suzukiz genuine Maruti Nippon security system which is available specially for Vxi model costs Rs. 5400/-, they took only 30-40 mins to install security system, there is no need to open inner door covers to install Key less entry security system in Swift Vxi. So will let you know later if I face any problem... Lets see wot happens tommorow ive talked to someone to change my wheels to swift zxi wheels...