Hi all,
I have finally got my Maruti Swift Zxi from Pratham Motors, Bangalore. I purchased through company lease and hence there were no delays whatsoever. I got it on June 2nd 07, when there were no delays in delivery of Swift. I went for Silky silver color of zxi variant after various analysis. The pearl white, black and silver were my primary choices. Though there was a new color in Copper, I liked it, but I did not go for it - for the spares of the same color is a time consuming process(atleast in my opinion!). I also went for under chassis+ outer Teflon coat.(Its really worth it. - Guys go for it.Dont mind the extra money after having bought the car for close to 5+ lakhs) I have opted for Sony Xplod music system also. I shud have gone for other kind of music systems(as the MP3 part of sony skips when you go down a pot hole.)
Pearl white color was discounted because, in bangalore traffic, one needs to really take care in maintaining the color - otherwise it would look like a taxi color of ambassador. black will look good as long as you maintain it neatly. otherwise you can see all the dust and scratches visibly. Plus above all these, I took a survey from my friends who own a car and they voted for this color(silver).
Though this is my first car, I had driven quite a bit in US. So manoeuvering was not a problem at all and all the fully loaded features in Swift really helps. But since I am pretty new to manual, I had problems when parking over a slope and the like. But once you are used to, this I bet is a real good car.
Before choosing, this I had test driven Getz prime 1.3 and I didnot like for its cost to features ratio. Plus I would say, I had a bias in my mind for Maruti. initially I didnot like the looks when Swift was released in 2005; but I got used to the looks that now I am really loving it.
- pick up is poor when AC is switched on i.e. its not like when you havent switched on the AC~ the machine suffers. You need to really press the gas pedal hard to get the required acceleration. I dont know if this a problem with all swifts Guys, please leave your comments in this regard. I did not notice this during test drive of swift. probably they tuned the engine for pick up in case of test drive cars.
Its my opinion. I dont know if it will clear after first service. I guess for all cars less than 2000cc, the problem will be inherent I guess. Your thoughts please(once again!).
Till now I have done 1000 kms and so fine for two long trips to Mysore and Hogenakkal. I guess the mileage is close to 14 kms(city+ highway) put together. This might be higher if I had a good experience driving with cars having manual trans.
I am not good at writing reviews; hence bear with me. Hope the review helps anyways.
in general, go for Swift against Getz for the feature to cost ratio does not simply align.