As a whole lot of reviews have already been written on all aspects of the Swift, I would refrain from writing yet another review on the same, especially as it is not my area of expertise (automobiles and their technicalities). Instead, I would comment on the one thing I know Im reasonably good at....the website.
The website in question is It is a small website in that it does not have the mammoth information that most other car sites do. To the contary, it is a small and compact site that packs quite a lot of RELEVANT info in a highly systematic manner.
The downloads section has a TV commercial, plenty of pics and wallpapers, and a few screensavers in addition to e-greetings.The e-greetings are a novel concept, each greeting coming with an interesting tag line about the Swift.
There is a reviews section which has three reviews (pros and cons) of the Swift by eminent magazines and auto journalists (Autocar I think is one of the mags that has written a review).
There is a very interesting account dealing with the evolution of the Swift from a rally bike to the car it is now.I was fascinated by the stages of evolution, one of which is the highly acclaimed Concept S showcased at the Paris Road Show in 2002.
The other section is the explore the Swift section, which in essence is showcasing the car to its fullest.It consists of a 360 degree view of the car, both exterior and interior). The exterior view looks absolutely stunning, it has a red Swift which looks simple awesome.See it to believe it...
Quite surprisingly, there is no specifications list or the prices list, which I presume will be present in due course of time, as the car has not even been launched yet. I gather from the existing reviews that the car is slated for an end of May launch, so probably these features will be updated then. This will, in all probability, happen because all other Maruti cars have a website which shows clearly the prices and detailed specifications.
All in all, a very refreshing site, easily the best auto site I have visited.