I brought Swift VDI last month. The vehicle pickup is OK. I am having 2 main problem with this vehicle.
Till now I am driving this vehicle in bangalore only and I am getting a mileage of only 15KM. I heard from some people that in cities mileage is 18KM and in highways it is 20KM.
The second concern is rear tyre sound. While driving in 60KM - 80KM I am hearing tick, tick --- sound. When I enquired with maruti service station they said that this is due to stone stuck in the tyre, they compared with another swift VDI(2008 model). But still I am not convincived. Please let me know your comments on this.
The sound will be more when I am travelling in highways.
In highways I have not tested the mileage. Recently only I learnt driving, initiatily I thought that due to my driving I am getting low mileage, but now I drive comfotably but mileage is not incresed.
Please share your thoughts on this
The sound will be more when I am travelling in highways.
In highways I have not tested the mileage. Recently only I learnt driving, initiatily I thought that due to my driving I am getting low mileage, but now I drive comfotably but mileage is not incresed.
Please share your thoughts on this