While I was discussing with the staff of Sterling motors – they were already directed by their director to not entertain me & fight back!
See the video in YouTube for yourself.
That’s when I have recorded the discussions with them: See it for yourself on the PATHETIC DISCUSSIONS HAD WITH THE PATHETIC STAFF on Youtube. And note the agression shown in the film is 10 times less when the staff knew he was getting recorded. Immediately after this discussion, he has told me "He will not return my car & I can do whatever I want to" - I ran from pillar to post that night to getmy car from Sterling motors. But I have not got it back. Even police did not record the complain after they spoke to the Director of Sterling motorsand asked me come tomorrow if the car is not returned back.
This istheliving proof of what type of peoplerun maruti service stations.
This is a ISO certified company & the staff on video is starting with sayng "I will not make the job card at all - as he has been told by his MD not to create the job card." - All I waasrequesting for a job card. Have you gone through similar incidences? Post them .
On 01-Jul-2010
From: Suren []
Sent: 01 July 2010 22:47
Dear Gentlemen in Maruti,
You may refer to a most pathetic case below, where my AC has been in non-working condition for last 2 months and I have paid 16, 000/- to sterling motors & visited their garage 6 times for the same problem. But my AC is still not working even after they have changed the compressor - which was never the problem in the first place.
When I have appraoched them for refund they have removed the new compressor, destroyed the old compressor and put it back in the car. So all in all, they are very much eager to refund my money to me, since they have already robbed the new compressor, which they can slap on any other customer saying it is new. & I am left with another round 20, 000 expense which I will have to make on the AC. Since these guys have fuilly destroyed my car AC.
& to TOP IT ALL. they have forcefully kept my car in their garage, I have approached the police station, police said to try to get the car tomorrow. If sterling refuses to give the car then they will be ready to launch a complaint against both sterling.
I would like to know what background checks have been performed on these guys, whether they are cheating customers - robbing them of their money & forcefully robbing their cars.
As of tonight(01-Jul-2010) I do not have my car with me, it has been forcefully HELD back in sterling motors. I am not aware if they will destroy my AC compressor and/or rob any other good parts and implement other customer robbed parts, so that they will put me through sufferings.
It just reflects on maruti, as to what type of people are associated with you! who has done any background check & who has given them license to run shop under the banner of Indias most respected brand: MARUTI?