After spending several hours reading reviews and each ones fair opinions n advises, I finally booked Swift Diesel VDI and counting on my days when this beauty would be out for a ride.
This is going to be my first car and like any other, I am also confiused on the next big things
like necessary accessories, because this car doesnt even come with a music system
Not a die hard fan of music but I m not the only one whos gonna use it, so need ur advise on
these items as well.
1) Music System(With Speakers) (Should have USB to plugin mP3 or IPOd): Budget 10 to 20 K
2) Seat Covers: Budget 5 to 6K
3) Mats, Perfumes, Anti Rust, glass films etc
4) Anything else which you guys feel, good to go when u take out a new car
Car is costing me around 5, 20000, . On road and I have around 80 K more atmost
Thanks in advance and looking forward to have ur fair opinions.