I bought this sx4 silky silver arnd 2 months back ..& as far as the now I liked this car ..every thing is gud except the fuel consumption & cheap plastic..the cheap plastic dsnt matter much ..actually itz jst the fuel consumption..i am getting an average arnd 8{using speed petrol} and 8.8 {using normal petrol}....it is very xpensive ..to run on road ..nd my othr frndz r also having this prblm but sum of them r getting an average of 9 to 10..i want 2 knw weather..there is any prblm wit my engine.
I am happy wit the performance of this car..nd some sx4 comes wit different tyres.I got bridgestone nd my frnd got jk tyre....and I hav bought a vxi model car.I am trying 2 get in touch wit maruti ppl abt this but there haz been no response..also I wanted 2 knw abt the styling kit which they show in the add.I still havent got any much info on that to....maruti services hav been very good nd reliable..& there will be a prblm 4 those who want 2 change the..music system of the car ..coz the panel fitted by them is big nd can look messy if removed nd replaced by sumthig else.