Car is only approx 4100 km old as on 21/12/2007 & faced following problems.
gear shifting is tooooo hard & specially on signal in stop position & also on high speed from 5th to 4th it takes more time & due to which clutch remains in pressed postion on high speed where in you loose the contol over the car. when you want sift the gear and take control over it is practically not possible and you land up in dengarous situation.( already clutch replaced by dealer)
still problem is not solved.
Freaquently engine stops during the transmission from nuteral to 1st. even after giving more petrol due to bad clutch.
Rattleing noise from front dash board and near glass.
Also from front left at the time of clutch is 1/2 pressed.
Suspension gives continuous noise in spite of regularly checking tyre air pressure (replaced shock absorber once by dealer)
Tyre: one already replaced by dealer.
travelled approx 1000 km on highway from mumbai to belgaum & back. Avg is bad as it gives less than 12 on clear road.
check other car performance before buying this vehicle specially gear shifting,