While surfing on the net, I was searching for the Fiat Linea Launch date in India, I came accross the "Fiat Sedici", this is a SUV from Fiat being launched earlier in 2005 I suppose, as I couldnt find the launch date for this.
Through this I want to bring into your notice that, what suzuki claims by launching the SX-4 its new revolutionary design theme, it is totally false, they have straight away picked up the front design from the Fiat Sedici, see the pictures attached.
Should Fiat take any Legal action against Suzuki for coying their Design???, I dont know if this design is patented or not.Also, the SX-4s Dash Board is also a straight lift of the Fiat Sedici, the Waterfall effect of the Dash Board and the Integrated Music System, also the Steering Wheel is a straight lift from Sedici.
This is not to offence anybody, this is just for the information of the fellow members.