Hii this is a pure comaprison between SX4 and Honda City ZX.
mainly u can see is that SX4 is a true winner here for the following
reasons. here we can take SX4 ZXi and Honda City GXi
1) princing for SX4 ZXi on raod in mangalore is 8.12 and honda city GXi is around 8.68.
2) more features present in
SX4 like Airbags ABS, remote keyless entry, Fog lamps,
Alloy wheels, , steering mounted stereo
controls .
3) it has very good ground clearnce of 190mm com[ared to 165 mm of honda city
4) milage is SX4 may not bee all
that gr8 coz its 1.6 engine but u may get around 12
aoverall where as honda citys milage is good around 13-14
5) test drive urself and see the features and the price and which u fell is good buy that .
we are not telling u 2 buy Sx4 coz the cars shape desgin
driveabilty all depends from person to person and mine and ur
liking may not bee the same always.
hope u all find this review useful and worhty and plz rate my review.