I have owned an SX4 for the past 1 and a half years and I can tell you now that the price is justified because maruthi has cut corners when it has come to the safety of this car. I have had close to 3 near death experiences because of this car and all of this because of either the so called eps and abs and visibility from drivers seat.
1.While driving down from malleshwaram to west of chord road I took the RTO road. It was the middle of the night and visibilty was slightly off. I was maintaining a speed of 100 because the road was empty. just 2 mins into driving I see a speed breaker not to close so I slightly pressed the brakes to which they started to make a loud noise and the brakes failed to work properly. the car was not slowing down fast enough and I hit the speed breaker at 80 kmph and the car jumped and lost control I somehow managed to bring the car to a stand still using downshift and hand brake or god knows what would have happened.
While at the HAL circle I was crossing the junction to go towards vidhana soudha I was at a speed of approx 30kmph and had checked my flanks properly before trying to cross when all of a sudden I see a tractor appear out of no where and hit my car. it hit my door and thank god the tractor was slow so as to not injure me. but the door was wrecked . The problem here was with the pillar in the car that was big enough to cover a tractor from visibilty and this is a really dangerous trait in the car, many incidents like these have happened beacuse of bad placement of the pillar.
While driving down the M.S building road going towards cubbon park there is a slight bend in the road towards the left. I was at a speed of 40 while taking the turn on this bend when suddenly my steering wheel loses control and starts spinning haphazardly the car skided to the right and left and had lost control I tried applying brakes but it didnt work and just made the car skid even worse . I somehow managed to bring the car back in control again by downshifting and hand braking. Then I knew that there was nothing wrong with my driving and the fault was with the car. I also drive a Laura and a Crv and nothing of this sort has ever happened. This Car is A death trap and I wouldnt suggest it for anyone.!!